Senior Photographers: Why You Should Have a Senior Model Team

camera gear laid out on a table

Are you wanting to photograph more seniors in your photography business? Whether you’re new to senior photography or are a seasoned veteran, I highly suggest you implement a senior model team into your business. There are so many benefits to having a team and when applied correctly to your business, you can really capitalize. I know there can be a lot of mixed feelings about having a senior model team, so let’s clear the air shall we? Below you’ll find the top 3 reasons why I recommend you have a senior model team in your senior photography business.

3 Reasons Why You Should Have a Senior Model Team

Referrals & New Clients

Your senior model team will be sharing your business online and bringing you referrals. This will help your business grow rapidly and fill your calendar with bookings. Think about it this way, if you have five senior model team members and each of them sends you even just one referral, that’s already ten sessions booked on your calendar already!

Your senior model team experience is a super fun and unique experience for your members and they’ll be excited to share all their images online and tag you. This is essentially free and excellent marketing for your business. By your team sharing these images directly to their social media accounts, your images will be showing up in their peers’ newsfeeds.

woman drinking coffee and looking on her laptop for a blog post about why you should have a senior model team

New Content

Your model team sessions will be giving you new content to share throughout the year. Do you ever feel like you’re constantly sharing the same sessions over and over until the following booking season? That will end with a senior model team! I like to plan the bulk of my model team sessions during my slower seasons, ensuring that I have new content to share regularly. This will also keep the buzz about your business constantly going and keep you relevant on social media platforms.

Build & Refine Your Client Experience

Your senior model team can also be a good business tool in the sense of creating your client experience, especially if you’re newer to the senior photography niche. The client experience is everything from communication to sessions to posing to artwork and everything in between. Here are a few ways you can use your team to help with your client experience:


First, your team gives you access directly to your ideal clients. These are clients you work with regularly and they’ll be more than happy to give you feedback about anything. Use this to your advantage. For instance, if you’re not sure what kinds of artwork to offer your clients, ask them what they would like to order. Another example, maybe you want to know more about which social media outlets teens like to use to help you with your marketing plan, you can simply ask which platform is their favorite.


Especially if you’re newer to the senior photography niche, you may not feel totally comfortable with posing an individual. Knowing exactly how to pose, which ones are flattering and which ones your clients love, is an important part of the client experience. Use your team to help you with posing! Try different poses with your model team. Ask them if they feel comfortable doing the poses or ask them if they would do anything different with the pose. Use your team sessions to refine your posing. Work on how you describe poses and your posing flow. This will make your other sessions incredibly easy.

New Locations

You can also try out new locations with your senior model team. You’ll be able to try out all the different key spots at the location and see which you like the best. You’ll also be able to check the lighting and see which areas are best at different times. I also like to try different colors of clothing at new locations. I’ll usually choose a color scheme that will help me decide what colors work best at that location. This is super helpful for future sessions!

Let’s Recap About Why You Should Have a Senior Model Team

In short, your senior model team can help you fill your calendar with more senior sessions, give you more visibility in front of your ideal clients, provide you with new content to share regularly, and will help you refine your client experience. A senior model team can certainly add a ton of value to your senior business!

Ready to start your first team? Check out this article: 5 Things You Need to Start Your First Senior Model Team

Do you want to start your first team, but are feeling overwhelmed with the idea? Check out my senior photographer mentorship program, where I hold your hand through the entire process from start to finish. And you’ll also get help with creating a website that converts, developing marketing strategies, using Instagram, starting a foundation for your senior business and so much more! You’ll learn how to level up your senior photography and book more clients without paying for ads.


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5 Things You Need to Start Your First Senior Model Team

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