How Jill Coulter at BirthWise Birth Center Provides Labor Support!

A mother to be holds her bump and her back while standing in a snowy pine forest jill coulter

Midwives help the world go around! For years, these experts have worked with parents to ensure they can have the birth experience that’s right for them. Midwives are not only medical providers but also fierce advocates, constantly ready to make sure parents get a say in their delivery. If you’ve been looking for a midwife who will let you take control of your labor, I’d love to tell you all about Jill Coulter at BirthWise Birth Center. Jill and her team are ready to ensure you have the delivery you’ve always wanted. 

About Jill Coulter at BirthWise Birth Center

Jill Coulter firmly believes that families should have personalized care and be able to give birth in an environment where they’ll be heard. It’s part of what inspired her to become a nurse midwife in 2004. Just four years later, she opened up the first freestanding birth center in northeast Wisconsin, and in 2019, she formed a partnership with Sara Hansman. 

Today, the center provides midwives for your home birth. They approach labor with the safety of you and your baby in mind. In their eyes, every birth is a celebration! 

If you need to transfer out of their care for any reason, they’ll give you the resources so you’re always in the best hands. The center has become so popular over the past few years they’ve had to limit their clients. They’ve added new midwives to help, but it’s still best to call early in your pregnancy to reserve your midwife. 

A pregnant woman stands in a snowy forest wearing a long red maternity gown jill coulter


At BirthWise Birth Center, you’ll meet with Jill or her other experienced midwives throughout all your prenatal appointments. These appointments will take place on the same schedule as what you’d get with an OB-GYN, but your midwife will spend more time with you throughout to ensure you have answers for all your concerns. They’ll provide plenty of information to ensure you feel ready for your delivery. 

Once labor begins, your midwife will come to you. The team will work with you through every step. They’ll bring equipment, including a rental birth tub if you’d like to use one. They won’t leave your side until they’re positive you and your baby are on the road to recovery. They’ll do all the cleaning so you can just focus on bonding with your little one. You’ll receive several postpartum visits following labor. 

A mother to be holds her bump in a pink maternity gown while standing in a snowy forest


Jill Coulter and her team at BirthWise understand the importance of an outstanding birth team! On top of their midwives, the center offers doulas who will coach you throughout pregnancy and labor to ensure you feel equipped for every step. 

BirthWise provides lactation assistance and childbirth education to ensure you have the tools to handle every aspect of early parenthood. The best part is that you don’t need to be an established birth center client to attend these classes!

Jill Coulter

If you want an advocate for your labor, it’s time to call a midwife. With Jill Coulter and her team at BirthWise, you’ll have someone on your side who will ensure you can labor in the best way for your family. 

Once you have your midwife, you should consider finding a photographer to celebrate this fantastic season in your life. I’m a Milwaukee photographer specializing in maternity and newborn pictures, and I want to ensure you have gorgeous memories of this time. If you’re considering booking a photographer, I’d love to connect! Contact me today to find out more.

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