Providence Academy Green Bay: Amazing School For Your Teen

stunning teen woman in a green dress sitting on a rock, smiling for the camera for blog about providence academy green bay

Are you searching for an amazing school for your teen? I totally get it, you want a high school that not only provides an excellent education, but one that will prepare your teen for life after high school. This is one of the main reasons why parents love sending their children to private schools over public schools. Their ability to give students more one-on-one attention and provide a rigorous academic routine makes them super desirable. Providence Academy in Green Bay is a wonderful Christian School that will provide your teen with an outstanding education. I know that the search for the perfect school can feel overwhelming, but I’m here to help! Below you’ll find 4 reasons why Providence Academy is a fantastic choice for your teen’s high school education.

4 Reasons to Choose Providence Academy Green Bay for Your Teen

1. Access to an Exceptional Education

Providence Academy provides its students with an amazing education. Their utmost goal is to create leaders who are passionate about their faith. This Green Bay High School focuses on providing its students with a Christian and Classical based education. The Classical Educational Model is a method that is often used in prep schools and Ivy League colleges. It helps students develop critical thinking skills and solve problems on their own. The Upper School Campus life is split between 7th-9th grade, which prepares them with reasoning and analytical thinking, and 10th – 12th grade, which helps students with articulation and expression. I also want to note that the school faculty’s dedication to their students’ success is unmatched anywhere in the Valley. Classroom sizes are small, allowing teachers to connect with each student individually. It’s safe to say, your teen will thrive at Providence Academy in Green Bay.

2. House System in Place

The House System at Providence Academy is an influential factor when deciding if this high school is right for your teen..If you’re not familiar, House Systems have been around for centuries, and have been known to help students develop connections with students and faculty. They create a sense of belonging for the students. And at Providence Academy the House System in place is meant to help students adjust to the culture and expectations of the school. Students are able to network with each other and provide each other with accountability and friendship between common interests. This system also helps the students to recognize the relationship between their faith and academics. This campus has 3 houses and each has the opportunity to earn points and at the end of the year the house with the most points wins the House Cup

teen girl in green dress sitting on a large rock in a field at sunset near Appleton3. Extracurriculars and Athletics Available to Students

There are so many extracurriculars available to students at Providence Academy. This Green Bay high school believes that leaders are not just knowledgeable about one field of study, but have a diverse understanding of multiple areas. Some of the offerings available to students include choir, concert band, drama, art and many athletic opportunities (football, volleyball, basketball, track and field, cross country and soccer just to name a few). Your teen will be able to explore many extracurricular avenues here.

4. Faith Centered Institution

Last but not least, Providence Academy is a Christian school where faith is central to everything they do. Their approach to teaching always circles back to their faith. For instance, science is about discovering God’s creation and math is understanding God’s order. This school’s holistic approach offers so much more than just a religious class and chapel time to your student’s life. They really focus on acknowledging their faith over every aspect of one’s life. 

Providence Academy in Green Bay

I hope this helps you in your search for an excellent private school for your teen in Green Bay. 

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